Many web service providers offer rates that are as low as $4 per month. However, most of the time you receive $4 service. Their servers are often located on slow, non-redundant data connections or charge hidden fees. Our web and e-mail servers are housed in a seismically sound, climate controlled, Tier-1 data center on the backbone of the internet. We have multiple fiber links for redundancy and access to dual generator-fed power grids. We openly list all fees for service and will never charge excessive or hidden fees.
We also offer:
- Free Online Helm Control Panel for easy web and mailbox administration
- Mail synchronization between webmail and mail client software
- Advanced Custom Statistics
- Content Management System (coming soon)
Ability to:
- Backup/restore domain files
- Change default documents
- Change directory browsing
- Manage HTTP error messages
- Manage mime types
- Use pre-progagaion
- Change scripting support
- Manage virtual directories
- Set web forwarding
- Filter content
Included services:
- Active Server Pages
- FrontPage Extensions
Optional services:
- Active Perl
- MS SQL & My SQL Databases
- MS Exchange Mail